mmlogostackedrgbmainly music at Hebron - waiting list

Due to the restrictions on numbers allowed to attend baby and toddler groups at the moment, our sessions can fill up. Occasionally there may be a cancellation in which case we can contact you to let you know there is a space.
Please provide details so we can get in touch with you easily:

Grown-up's Name:
Child's name(s):

Best way to contact you at short notice:
 text message

Make sure we have the necessary info for your chosen contact method:

 Upcoming Events 
14/05/2024 1:00pm


Anyone who is
  • vulnerable or at-risk due to health conditions or age
  • displaying symptoms of Covid-19
  • self-isolating due to living with someone who is displaying symptoms
  • as a result of contact tracing is staying at home to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19
must not attend the event.