Photography Policy 

The use of photographs can be useful and welcomed in the life of a church, but we recognise that this can pose direct and indirect risks to children and adults if they are shared on social media/websites/print copies or through messaging groups.

Photography of children:
Even if the child’s personal identity (full name, address) is kept confidential, other details accompanying the photo can make them identifiable and therefore vulnerable to individuals who may seek to groom children for abuse. There is also a risk that the photo itself will be used inappropriately by others. Photos can easily be copied and adapted, perhaps to create images of child abuse, which can then find their way on to other websites. Photos on phones can be used for bullying amongst children.
All leaders and helpers in children’s and young people’s activities should be aware of the following:

  • Parental Permission to be photographed at church events must be obtained through consent on registration forms. This will include options for use. We recognise that consent to take images of children is only meaningful when the children and their parents/carers understand the potential risks associated with the use and distribution of these images.
  • Children should be given the option to not be photographed at any moment. We recognise that children and their parents/carers have a right to decide if and when their images are taken and how these may be used.
  • Consider the type of images that appropriately represent the activity and think carefully about any images showing children, especially faces. If written parental consent has not been obtained for a child who is included in a group shot the individual publishing the picture on the website, in a newsletter or other media will obscure the image of that child prior to publishing or displaying the photograph.
  • Only use images of children in suitable dress and focused on the activity, rather than one particular child.
  • Never supply the full name(s) of the child or children along with the image(s). Children in photos will not be named without the express permission of the person with parental responsibility for that child.
  • Children should be discouraged from using phones during activities – where appropriate they should be handed in on arrival and returned for departure.
  • Two leaders for each ministry will be designated photographers who will sign acceptable use declarations. These leaders will have access to photography consent forms. Photographs can be sent by them to church office for safe storage and use and should be deleted from personal devices within 10 days.
  • Posting images containing children to social media, the church website or newsletters and slides can only be done by church staff or trustees who also have access to photography consent forms. 

Photography of adults:

  • We recognise that data which conveys a person’s religious beliefs counts as sensitive personal data and therefore the use of identifiable images of an individual in a church setting requires consent from each person.
  • The church has a photograph consent question linked to the Members Address Book where consent can be given and revoked at any time by any individual.
  • Posting images containing adults to social media, the church website or newsletters and slides can only be done by church staff and trustees who will have access to consent forms.
  • If an individual has requested that they be consulted for express permission for use of any photograph, this consent will be sought before use of any identifiable image of the individual.

If consent is not given, any photograph containing an identifiable image of an individual will be deleted unless it is possible to blur or mask the individual in the photograph.

Any concerns regarding inappropriate use of photographs or intrusive photography should be reported to the Safeguarding Lead and/or the Safeguarding Trustee.

Your Photography Consent can be updated via My Account